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[科普] 3只蝴蝶图鉴 3 Butterfly Pokédex

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3 Butterfly Pokédex
蝴蝶是一种很有吸引力的飞行昆虫,它们有着宽阔的鳞片状翅膀。与所有昆虫一样,它们有六个关节腿、三个身体部分、一对触角 (触角)、复眼和一个外骨骼。头部、胸腔 (胸部)和腹部 (尾端) 构成蝴蝶身体的三部分。在世界各地,可以在各种不同的栖息地中找到蝴蝶,包括炎热和寒冷的气候、干燥和潮湿的环境、海平面和高山。此外,大多数蝴蝶物种都生活在热带环境中,尤其是热带雨林。

Butterflies are attractive flying insects with broad, scaly wings. They, like all insects, havesix jointed legs, three body segments, a pair of antennae (feelers), compound eyes, and anexoskeleton. The head, thorax (chest), and abdomen (tail end) make up the three segments of thebody. All over the world, butterflies can be found in a variety of habitats, including hot and coldclimates, dry and moist surroundings, sea level and high in the mountains. The majority of butterflyspecies, moreover, are found in tropical environments, particularly tropical rainforests.

3 Butterfly Pokédex
帝王蝶是最广为人知的蝴蝶物种之一,几乎出现在每一本书和博物馆中。科学家还给它起了个名字“ Danaus plexippus”,在希腊语中意思是“昏昏欲睡的转变”。这个物种的冬眠和变形能力是由这个名字引起的。帝王蝶的翼展从 7 到 10 厘米不等。它们的翅膀为深橙色,有黑色的边框和纹理,边缘有白色斑点。蝴蝶的身体是黑色的,有白色的图案。与雌性帝王蝶不同,雄性帝王蝶的后翅中间有两个黑点。每只成年蝴蝶的寿命为 4 到 5 周。在整个北美,帝王蝶可以在具有合适的觅食和繁殖栖息地的地区找到。

The Monarch Butterfly is one of the most widely recognized butterfly species,appearing in nearly every book and museum. The scientist also gave it the name “Danaus plexippus,"which translates to "sleepy transformation" in Greek. Thespecies' ability to hibernate and metamorphize is evokedby the name. Monarch butterflies have wingspansranging from 7 to 10 centimeters. Their wings have adeep orange color with black borders and veins, as wellas white patches along the edges. The body of thebutterfly is black with white patterns. In contrast tofemale monarchs, male monarchs have two black dots inthe middle of their rear wings. Each adult butterfly has a lifespan of four to five weeks. Throughout North America, monarch butterflies can be found in areaswith suitable feeding and breeding habitat.

3 Butterfly Pokédex
枯叶蝶 (Kallima inachus) 是地球上最惊人的蝴蝶之一。它的翅膀极其可互换且奇特。它们的前翅是亮橙色和棕色,而后翅则是鲜艳的蓝色和棕色。 它们通过收起翅膀来伪装成一片棕色的干叶。 它们在旱季期间的颜色更明亮,更像是旱地上普遍存在的干树叶,此时它们不太活跃。 然后在雨季,它们变得更加柔和,并在“叶”侧翼上获得“眼点”。 这是特别有利的,因为它可以防止鸟类、蚂蚁和黄蜂等捕食者捕食它们。 它在从印度延伸到日本的热带地区繁衍生息。

The Dead Leaf Butterfly (Kallima inachus) is one of the most captivating butterflies onthe planet. Its wings are extremely interchangeable and fanciful. Their forewings are brilliant orangeand brown, while the hindwings are vivid blue and brown. They act as camouflage by closing their wings to resemble a brown, dried leaf. They are brighter and more like the dry leaves prevalent in the region during the dry season, when they are less active. Then during the wet season, they become more subdued and acquire "eyespots" on their "leaf" side wings. This is particularly advantageous since it keeps predators like birds, ants, and wasps from preying on them. It thrives in tropical areas extending from India to Japan.

3 Butterfly Pokédex
亚历山德拉王后凤蝶 (学名:Ornithoptera alexandrae) 是世界上最大的蝴蝶。顾名思义,就臂展而言,雌性占主导地位。从尖端到尖端,它们的翼展可以超过 11 英寸。雌性通过带有奶油色斑纹的棕色翅膀在视觉上得到识别。同样,它们的身体呈奶油色,胸部有深红色毛簇。该物种的雄性身体呈鲜艳的蓝色和绿色,与雌性形成鲜明对比。这是一种常用的策略,用来将捕食者的注意力从雌性身上转移开。只有巴布亚新几内亚的森林是这种令人印象深刻的物种的家园。

Queen Alexandra's Birdwing (Ornithopteraalexandrae) is the world's largest butterfly. In terms ofwingspan, the female reigns supreme, as its namesuggests. From tip to tip, their wingspan can exceed 11inches. Females are recognized visually by brown wingswith cream markings. Similarly, they have a cream bodywith a crimson fur tuft on the thorax. Males of the specieshave a vivid blue and green body that contrasts sharplywith the females. This is a common strategy used to divertpredators' attention away from females. Only the forestsof Papua New Guinea are home to this impressive specie.

3 Butterfly Pokédex
蝴蝶有四个阶段的生命周期,在这四个阶段中,它们会经历完全的变态,或从一个阶段到下一个阶段的重大转变。蝴蝶的生命周期始于卵,卵通常由带翅膀的成虫产在食用植物的叶子上,其幼虫 (称为毛毛虫) 将以此为食。随着它的成熟,毛毛虫会蜕掉它的旧皮,或蜕皮。然后它会发育成蛹,这是一种坚硬的外骨骼,可以保护下面发育中的蝴蝶。蜕变完成后,蛹皮开裂,成虫在翅膀发育干燥后爬出飞走。一些蝴蝶,特别是在热带地区,每年有多代,而其他蝴蝶只有一代,一些在寒冷气候下甚至可能需要几年才能完成它们的生命周期。

Butterflies have a four-stage life cycle in which they go through completeMetamorphosis, or a significant transformation from one stage to the next. A butterfly's life cyclebegins with an egg, which is commonly laid on a leaf by the winged adults on the food plant that itslarvae, known as caterpillars, will feed on. As it matures, the caterpillar sheds its old skin, or molts. Itthen develops into a chrysalis, a hard exoskeleton that shields the developing butterfly beneath.When transformation is complete, the pupal skin cracks, allowing the adult insect to climb out andfly away after its wings have developed and dried. Some butterflies, particularly in the tropics, havemultiple generations every year, while others have a single generation, and a few in colder climatesmay even take several years to complete their life cycle.


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