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[Shanghai 上海] 工作机会|Investment and Technology Promotion

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UNIDO ITPO上海/SIPC投资与技术促进专家岗位职责
1. 研究与国际合作引进UNIDO的标准、方法论和工具体系,为当地政府、企业及投资促进机构提供国际标准、产业和政策咨询服务。具有专业性甄别碳中和领域技术并有投资评估碳中和相关项目的能力。2. 能力建设与活动组织与联合国工业发展组织总部、投资与技术促进网络及公私营部门保持定期联系与合作,举办国内外投资和技术论坛,协助组织全球论坛活动。为投资促进机构(IPA)、政府、机构及中外企业等利益攸关者举办能力建设与高能级培训。工作经验:有7年以上的碳中和领域的工作经历,对低碳发展绿色转型方面有专业知识和较强的分析研究能力。熟悉气候变化经济学、气候变化全球治理法律法规、有以第一作者在国际期刊或SCI/SSCI期刊发表论文的申请者优先考虑。学历:要求完成硕士以上(含硕士)的高等教育,主修环境工程、新材料、能源动力等相关课程。语言:流利的英语和中文双语书写和口语表达能力。具备另一种联合国官方语言(阿拉伯文、法文、俄文和西班牙文)读写能力者优先考虑。其他:有在联合国机构(如联合国环境署、联合国开发计划署、联合国贸发会议、联合国气候变化框架秘书处等与绿色发展、经济、技术、投资领域等相关部门)、地方政府(如商务、信息、发改委等部门)、高等院校担任副教授或5年以上讲师工作经验的申请人会优先考虑

成立22年来,UNIDO上海ITPO致力于建设全球高能级交流合作平台,已助力世界人工智能大会、中国国际进口博览会、全球工业互联网大会、中国(上海)国际技术进出口交易会、一带一路城市大会等国际大会的成功举办;实现技术项目对接,成立联合国工发-上海交通大学绿色增长联合研究院,首创发起产业技术创新和国际合作计划(WiiTs)倡议,推动可持续技术的全球化落地与应用;赋能影响力投资,开展“中国城市园区/主题园区运营高级研修班专业培训项目。未来,UNIDO 上海 ITPO将以“为社会各界提供合作推动包容和可持续产业发展的公共服务平台,全方位促进数字化转型”为发展目标,推动技术转移与产业合作,加强与产业资源的联通网络,赋能技术合作新模式,加强科技创新策源功能。UNIDO 上海 ITPO将通过聚焦长三角地区的项目活动来丰富ITP网络的整体协同效应,配合UNIDO国家伙伴方案(PCP)规划广泛参与相关地域的合作,支持“第三个非洲工业发展十年”(IDDA III),持续推广工发组织成果和标准,切实成为地方政府培养投资促进人才队伍的专业赋能机构,持续推动区域绿色增长转型。

联系人:Renee yuan

UNIDO ITPO Shanghai/SIPC Investment and Technology Promotion Expert
1. Research and International Cooperation
Introduce UNIDO's standards, methodology and tool kits to provide international standards, industry and policy consulting services for local governments, enterprises and investment promotion agencies; Expertise in screening technologies in the field of carbon neutrality, and the ability to invest in and evaluate carbon neutral related projects.

2. Capacity Building and Event Organizing
Maintain regular contact and cooperation with UNIDO headquarters, Investment and Technology Promotion Network, relevant public and private sector agencies and institutions to organize domestic and foreign investment and technology forums and assist in organizing UNIDO global forum activities to promote investment and technology transfer; Organize capacity building and high-level training workshops for stakeholders and clients such as investment promotion agencies (IPA), governments and enterprises.

Working Experience: More than 7 years of work experience in the field of carbon neutrality, with professional knowledge and strong analytical research ability in low carbon development and green transformation. Applicants who are familiar with climate change economics, climate change global governance laws and regulations, and have published papers in international journals or SCI/SSCI journals as first author are preferred.

Education: Master degree or above, major in environmental engineering, new materials, energy power, and other related courses is required.
Language: Fluent in both written and spoken English and Chinese,  and an additional official UN language (Arabic, French, Russian, and Spanish) ability will be an advantage.
Other: Applicants with working experience in UN agencies (e.g. UNEP, UNDP, UNCTAD, UNFCCC Secretariat, etc. related to green development, economy, technology, investment field), local government (e.g. commerce, information, development and reform commission, etc.) or working experience as an associate professor or lecturer in higher education institutions for more than 5 years will be preferred.
As one of the nine ITPOs of UNIDO, UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office (Shanghai, China)/Shanghai Investment Promotion Center (UNIDO ITPO Shanghai/SIPC), established in 2001, is a tripartite partnership between United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the Ministry of Commerce and the Shanghai Municipal Government, aiming to provide value-added advisory services to local governments by taking advantage of UNIDO’s global network and headquarters resources, promoting foreign investment and technology into China (especially the Yangtze River Delta), while promoting Chinese capital and technology to other developing countries and economies in transition.
Since its establishment 21 years ago, UNIDO ITPO Shanghai has been committed to building global high-level cooperation platform, and has helped to successfully hold international conferences such as the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, China International Import Expo, Global Industrial Internet Conference, China (Shanghai) International Technology Fair, and Bridge For Cities Belt and Road Initiative Conference; Realize the docking of technology projects, establish SJTU-UNIDO Joint Institute of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development, launch World Industrial Innovative Technology Cooperation Initiative (WiiTs), and promote the global landing and application of sustainable technology; Empowering impact investment to carry out the professional training project of “China Urban Development Zone Theme Park Operation Advanced Seminar”.
In the future, UNIDO ITPO Shanghai will take “Provide a public service platform for all sectors of society to cooperate to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development, and comprehensively promote digital transformation” as its development goal, promote technology transfer and industrial cooperation, strengthen the connectivity network with industrial resources, empower new modes of technology cooperation, and strengthen the function of science and technology innovation policy source.
Contact:Renee yuan


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