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[科普] Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 多囊卵巢综合症

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有一位名叫LaRae Perkins 的女性,她正遭受荷尔蒙失调的问题,这导致她的面部长出了胡须,且她决定要欣然接受自己的胡须。与此同时她鼓励女孩们接受自己,而不是感到羞愧。并且,她会荷尔蒙失调是因为她患有 PCOS(多囊卵巢综合症) 。
There is a woman named LaRae Perkins, who is suffering from a hormonal disorder that makes her grow facial hair, has decided to embrace her beard. At the same time, she encourages girls to accept themselves instead of feeling ashamed. What’s more, she has the hormonal disorder because she has a disease called PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome).

About PCOS/

PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that affects women during childbearing years. Its clinical expression varies but commonly results in Amenorrhoea or irregular menstrual cycle, an excess of androgen and the presence of polycystic ovaries.
更糟糕的是,多囊卵巢综合症还伴有以下症状: 多余的毛发生长(面部毛发过多)、头发稀疏、痤疮、情绪变化、睡眠问题、不孕不育、抑郁、体重增加和疲劳。

What’s worse, PCOS is also accompanied by the following symptoms: Unwanted hair growth (excessive facial hair), Thinning hair on the head, Acne, Mood changes, Sleep problems, Infertility, Depression, Weight gain and Fatigue.

Diagnostic procedure/

There is no clear diagnostic procedure for PCOS. The physician always begins by discussing the medical history, including menstrual periods and weight changes. The physical examination will include checking for signs of excess hair growth, insulin resistance, and acne. Other common tests are pelvic examination, hormone testing, and ultrasound.Most of the ovaries of patients with PCOS have testicular blastomas, hilar theca cell tumors.



In general, the ovaries of adolescent girls are not yet mature, and irregular menstruation is normal. And most adolescent girls develop acne. So , there is no overall agreement as to how to diagnose PCOS in adolescence. The diagnostic criteria for PCOS in adolescents are different from those in older women of childbearing age Although pelvic examination, hormone testing, and ultrasound findings are consistent with clinical expression of POCS, it does not confirm that an adolescent girl has PCOS. However, when adolescent girls are found to have a tendency to have polycystic ovary syndrome, they must go to the hospital and cooperate with the doctor's intervention.

If left untreated, it can lead to an increased risk of endometrial cancer, Infertility (early treatment of PCOS can help prevent infertility or increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy), Obesity-related diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes, may also increase the risk of breast cancer. PCOS is hard to be prevented or completely cured. However, early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent long-term complications such as infertility, metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Many women with PCOS worry about whether they will be able to have children. However, most women with PCOS can still become pregnant with ovulation induction therapy.

著名的维密天使 Romee Strijd 也患多囊卵巢综合症。在那时,她已经六年没有来月经了。但是经过一系列的调理后,她终于恢复了月经来潮并成功怀孕了。

Victoria's Secret angel Romee Strijd also has PCOS. At that time, she had not had her period for six years. But after a series of adjustments, she finally regained her period and successfully became pregnant.

事实上,患有多囊卵巢综合症的女性可能会因多囊卵巢综合症的症状而遭受着身体不适和自卑感。但多囊卵巢症并不是一种可耻的疾病。它可以由多种原因引起,比如遗传因素。尽管它会带来很多不好的后果,人们最好像 Romee 一样去试着接受它。如果人们愿意尝试改变,一切都是可能的。

Indeed, the women with PCOS may suffer from physical discomfort and feelings of inferiority due to the symptoms of PCOS. But PCOS is not a shameful disease. It can cause by many reasons, such as genetic factors. Although it will bring a lot of bad consequences, people’ d better try to accept it just like Romee. Everything is possible if people are willing to try to make a change.



Here are some suggestions for the women with PCOS:

1. 请去医院寻求医生的建议,然后遵循医生的建议。
1. Go to the hospital and see a doctor to ask for advice. Then follow the doctor’s advice.

2. 调节好自己的情绪,别给自己太大的压力。
2. Regulate your emotions and don't put too much pressure on yourself.

3. 不要熬夜,保持良好的作息时间。
3. Don't stay up late and keep a good schedule.

4. 做运动以增加身体的抵抗力,如跑步、游泳等。
4. Do exercise to increase the body's resistance, such as running and swimming.

5. 注意个人卫生和营养平衡。
5. Pay attention to personal hygiene and nutrition balance.

6. 吃富含纤维和必需脂肪酸的食物。吃能对抗雄激素的食物。
6. Eat foods high in fiber and essential fatty acids. Eat foods that fight androgens.

顺便提一下,要正确地看待多囊卵巢症。LaRae Perkins 和 Romee Strijd 都是非常好的榜样。LaRae 曾经说过:“我们‘留胡子的女人’可能会有点不同,但我们也是人!你必须爱自己的所有,包括你的缺点,这样才能得到尊重,否则你只是一个隐藏真实的自己、试图讨好融入的人。我很感激我能站起来鼓励所有留胡子的女性。哪怕只是一位说出了自己的心声并拥抱了真实的自己,这是也值得的。我为自己感到骄傲。”

By the way , keep PCOS in perspective. LaRae Perkins and Romee Strijd really formexamples. LaRae once said, "We 'women with beards' may be a little different, but we're alsohuman!You must love all of yourself including your flaws in order to be respected, otherwise you will just be a person hiding who you really are and trying to fit in. I'mso thankful that I can stand up and encourage all women with facial hair. If it's just one woman who has spoken out and embraced her true self, it's worth it. I'm so proud of myself."


So keep your head up princess and fore your crown falls! Love yourself and be yourself, then nothing can destroy you!

Aquatic Animals/
https://blacksportsonline.com/2022/10/woman-named-larae-perkins-on-why-shes-embracing- her-beard-and-mustache/


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