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[Guangzhou 广州] 2022 杰出商业女性论坛共创机会及嘉宾招募

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Women in Business
- Entrepreneurship



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The year 2022 is witnessing a thriving world of remarkable female entrepreneurs who are boldly breaking gender biases in all spheres of life. Empowered by confidence, those women demonstrate that, in this male-dominated world, females also can forge a successful business with innovation, perseverance, and hard work. They are in pursuit of a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination, and a world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

Women’s leadership never comes easy. They encounter numerous setbacks, barriers, and suspicion caused by biased views, their abilities are underrated and their role as leaders is often questioned simply on account of their gender. But they fight back with wisdom and resolution, becoming the leading figure in their fields, regardless of difficulties. Their uplifting and inspiring success is a large step toward gender equality.

According to statistics, the percentage of female entrepreneurs has increased by 114% in the last 20 years. We are more than delighted to witness a greater number of women challenging gender stereotypes, breaking free from social constraints and making their own way in the business world.

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作为广东英国商会旗舰活动之一,杰出商业女性论坛已连续 9 年成功在广州、深圳两地举办,邀请了超过 40嘉宾分享,每年的参与人数将近 300 人,合作媒体、品牌联动,线上线下曝光 100万+ 。广东英国商会希望能通过该论坛为女性同胞打造一个交流思想、相互鼓舞的平台,启迪各位女性同胞找到真正的自己。活动将于 2022 年 5 月举行,现场拟邀请 5 位来自不同领域的女性企业家,为大家分享她们的故事与经历。让我们共同期待她声音与她力量在大湾区的又一次闪耀!

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Focusing on women's entrepreneurship, this year's forum will invite female entrepreneurs in different industries to share their stories and experiences, discuss the latent barriers that existing for startup businesses, exchange insights, and explore the path to successful business.

As one of the official event of the Guangdong British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong, the Women in Business Forum has been held for 9 consecutive years in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, inviting over 40 speakers to share their insights and has welcomed nearly 300 guests each year – as well as co-branding with media partners with over a million online and offline exposures.  Through this Forum, BritCham Guangdong hopes to establish a platform for women to exchange and inspire each other, encourage each woman "to be herself" and to find her place in life. The event will be held in May 2022 and will feature five women entrepreneurs from different industries who will share their stories and experiences. We are very much looking forward to sharing voices and power of different women through the Greater Bay Area once again!

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Speaker Wanted

#Break The Bias 这一主题下,我们计划邀请五位来自不同文化背景和工作领域的嘉宾来到我们 2022 杰出商业女性论坛,通过讲述自己的创业故事。我们希望通过嘉宾分享自己的亲身经历(中英文均可),鼓励每位在职场拼搏的女性。

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On the theme of #Break The Bias, we plan to invite five guests from different cultural backgrounds and industries to our Women in Business Forum 2022, sharing their own stories in start-up business (in both English or Chinese).  We hope our female guests encourage every woman in the workplace by their own stories.

While "Gender equality is not a Women's Issue, it is a Human Issue", we cannot succeed, when "half of us are held back".  We would also love to welcome male guests to the podium on the day to share with us how they are involved in promoting the breaking down of gender bias in the workplace and building a more inclusive and equitable working environment.

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  • 或者经营一个成功的企业
  • 或许正克服困难踏上创业之旅
  • 或是通过自身优势实现商业价值
  • 或是期待打破社会性别偏见并实现自己的目标
  • 或是为其他女性提供取得进展的机会和支持

我们的过往分享嘉宾包括:高力国际中国区董事总经理邓懿君、生物化学博士、赛立复线粒体医学研究院高级研究员何友娜、罗德传播集团高级副总裁兼广州/深圳总经理梁睿、爱莎国际教育集团市场传讯总监 Beth Jones、穆氏建筑设计有限公司主席 Moira Moser、 广州电视台英语频道执行总监尹捷、英国领事馆文化教育处中国西南地区主任米博娜、广州伊丽莎白妇产医院董事长林秋华、女性技术社区科技猫联合创始人古茜、英国中央兰开夏大学副教授陈泽敏、K2Fit 创始人 Kara Wutzke、Lean In Shenzhen 创始人 Leiya Lei 等。
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Topics include but not limited to:
  • How I have been running a successful business
  • How I overcome difficulties and embark on the journey of entrepreneurship
  • How I have achieved personal business value through my own advantages
  • How I strive to break down gender stereotypes and achieve my goal
  • How I have created opportunities and enabled other women to make progress

Our previous speakers have included Tammy Tang, Managing Director of Colliers International China, Dr. Juliane Hitzel Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Senior Researcher Institute of Mitochondrial Medicine, CELFULL, Grace Liang Senior Vice President of General Manager Guangzhou & Shenzhen Ruder Finn Communications, Beth Jones, Director of Marketing and Communications, ISA International Education Group, etc.


We Hope to Achieve

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The purpose of meeting is to light up each other's world.  We sincerely hope that each guest would gain strength and inspiration after participating in this event. The ability of women to continue to break down prejudices and demonstrate their power in the business world will benefit not only a single gender group but will also contribute to a more sustainable business world as a whole.

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As a Guest Speaker,
You Can Achieve

  • 广东英国商会和《杰出商业女性论坛》的平台背书和颁奖

  • 链接逾 200 名受过高等教育的商业女性群体、企业高管、创业家等;外交官、政府各部门负责人、主流媒体等
  • 参与论坛当天晚上的社交酒会,与高端女性群体深度链接
  • 广东英国商会官方网站、官方微信、领英等全平台及合作媒体的曝光
  • 推广内容涵盖:微信推文、活动海报、现场小册子、活动回顾推文等

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  • Endorsement and awards from the Guangdong British Chamber of Commerce and Women in Business Forum
  • Link to over 200 businesswomen in higher education, corporate executives, entrepreneurs, diplomats, officials, mainstream media
  • Participation at the drinks reception on the evening of the forum and the opportunity to interact with prominent female groups  
  • Exposure on the official website of Guangdong British Chamber of Commerce, official WeChat, other channels and cooperative media
  • Promotion covers: wechat tweets, event posters, event review tweets, etc

Co-Create Opportunities



  • 广东英国商会推广渠道(微信公众号、网站、领英、微博、电子邮件简讯等)
  • 遍布全国的 5+ 英商会社区宣传资源
  • 广东英国商会会员社群、朋友圈、公众号互动宣传
  • 媒体合作伙伴渠道(微信公众号、杂志、网站等)

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Three sponsorship categories will be available for this event: Diamond, Gold and Silver Sponsors. Together with this, there's great brand exposure opportunities through both online and offline promotion to local and international communities. We hope that we can co-create with you from the beginning of the event and work closely with sponsors to create tailor-made sponsorships, not just simple brand exposure and display opportunities. The products or services of the companies that we hope to create together are closely related to women, including but not limited to apparel, 3C digital, household appliances, home, outdoor sports, jewelry, beauty care, books, audio and video, services, Mothers and Baby, F&B, medicine, healthcare and so forth.

Promotion opportunities will include:
  • BritCham Guangdong's Marketing Channels (WeChat, Website, Weibo, Weekly Newsletter, etc.)
  • BriCham China's Marketing Community Channels
  • BritCham Guangdong Members' WeChat group communities, WeChat moments and WeChat official account
  • Media Partners' Marketing Channels (WeChat, Magazine, Website)   

For more sponsorship details, please visit our website by clicking here.

Interested in being one of our speakersor co-creators at the Women in Business Forum 2022?


Please Contact Us

Christy Leung 梁莹
Marketing and Membership Services Manager

Echo Ji 纪佳瑶
Events Manager

If you'd like to know more about BritCham GD or join us to connect with our business network, please click here or contact:

Christy Leung
Marketing & Membership Manager
Click herefor more details


Upcoming Events

b8becedd5294873e96bc08fdd5b875aa.png InterChamber Networking Drinks (Guangzhou) 跨商会商务酒会(广州)
- 14 April

ad2a98e3f4b60c083a1632ba3a67fe44.png Industry Sharing: How to Develop Personal Brand Intellectual Property and Monetise it (Guangzhou) 行业分享会:如何打造个人 IP 及高效变现(广州)
- 22 April

6e590915c2dba80a08cc8c3529869f5a.png GF International Women's Day 2022 (Shenzhen) GF 国际妇女节(深圳)
- 24 April

53aee60e1fd9d0b9aebaaf5e186529a5.png InterChamber Networking Drinks (Shenzhen) 跨商会商务酒会(深圳)
- 26 April

Industry Sharing: Education Wellbeing (Guangzhou) 行业分享会:疫情双减之下,如何经营家校关系、疏导学生情绪、为教育赋能(广州)
- 27 April

a5c16406853387a37a2d7c02161bfd66.png Women in Business (Guangzhou) 杰出商业女性论坛(广州)
- May

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