SDGs 发表于 2022-1-26 21:13


新年接受一个新的挑战!Take up a challenge for the new year!

小的时候,物质还不是那么充足,我的新年愿望是穿上爸妈新买的衣服。When I was younger, my new year wish was to wear new clothes on new year's eve to celebrate new year.

上了大学,基本生活不愁,我的新年愿望是期末不挂科,还可以去不同的地方旅行。When I got to the college, my new year wish was not to fail exams on the end of the term, yet can go travel to different places...✈️
工作了之后,我的新年愿望是给家人买不同的衣服,带他们去不同的地方旅游。After I start to work, my new year wish was to buy different clothes for parents, and to take them to travel to different places.


When the covid starts, I realize the environment has startedto change, and I am gradually immuneto the constant promotions from fastfashion, but...there are many morethings to do. We start to try to use less disposable products, try sustaianblefashion items, or it is even works better to extend the lifecycl of your clothes.
现在正式向大家发起挑战 新年7天「一衣多穿」的不重样Look!We are starting this challenge to create 7-day different looks with one single same item!
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查看完整版本: 试过7天用同一件单品穿搭不重样么?